Thursday 26 March 2009


There are two main rules, pillars if you will, that I choose to live by.
  1. Don't eat yellow snow.
  2. You can never have too many to-do notes.
As important as the first rule is, and as much as I'd like to teach you all about it, the second pillar of my beliefs is a lot more apt for this blog.

Evernote is a file uploading service that is in many ways similar to Dropbox. It allows files to be synced to multiple computers, you can view and download the files direct from a browser, and they both have nice little menu icons that appear at the top of your screen. But despite these similarities, Evernote serves an entirely different purpose.

Whereas Dropbox is designed for all types of files, Evernote is specialised to one area. Notes. (It's in the name.) Revision notes, to-do notes, message notes, business notes. They're all covered. You can upload a note by either:
  • Typing it in directly.
  • Taking a photo of it using any device you want.
  • Copying and Pasting.
  • Dragging and Dropping them into the desktop client.
  • Emailing them directly to your account.
  • Scanning the notes.
Once the note is in your account, it is then "synced" to every other device registered with your account. Evernote then scans your images for words and you are able to scan through your immense library of notes for a certain keyword you're interested in. Never again will you forget that sacred Lasagne recipe!

Note: (Forgive the horrible pun)
Registration is required for Evernote, although this is a short process only lasting about a minute. Email, Username and Password are the only required fields.

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